Itu namanya terjemahan dul, Alkitab kagak direvisi dul, wkwkwkwkwk logike musti di servis tuh.
Nih ane kasih tahu dul, biar ente tambah pinter ya, ehh ini ane kasih bahasa inggris, ente bisa ngerti bacanya ato kagak? wkwkwkwkwkwk :
The Bible continues to be the most translated book in the world. The following numbers are approximations. As of 2005, at least one book of the Bible has been translated into 2,400 of the 6,900 languages listed by SIL,[15][not in citation given] including 680 languages in Africa, followed by 590 in Asia, 420 in Oceania, 420 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 210 in Europe, and 75 in North America. The United Bible Societies are presently assisting in over 600 Bible translation projects. The Bible is available in whole or in part to some 98 percent of the world's population in a language in which they are fluent.
The United Bible Society announced that as of 31 December 2007[16] the Bible was available in 438 languages, 123 of which included the deuterocanonical material as well as the Tanakh and New Testament. Either the Tanakh or the New Testament alone was available in an additional 1168 languages, and portions of the Bible were available in another 848 languages, for a total of 2,454 languages. tuh, tiap taon, lkitab diterjemahin ke bahasa yang baru. Emangnya kitab ente, nyang cuma untuk orang arab doang? Tuhan ente cuma bisa bahasa arab doang, wkwkwkwkwkwkwk, suruh Tuhan ente pake google translate, tong, wkkwkwkwkwkwk.