Damai bagimu, sol.
Wadduh, bagaimana sih eksistensi Anda?
Mengertikah Anda, bahwa dengan ini,Anda menyeleweng dari ayat menafsirkan ayat?
Artinya, kembali lagi, periksa lagi pemahaman Anda mengenai Sola Scriptura itu. Carilah istilah lain untuk menyampaikan maksud Anda mengenai Sola Scriptura itu.
Damai bagimu, sol.
Ayat menafsirkan ayat artinya bahwa didalam kita menafsirkan ayat harus tidak terlepas dari ayat ayat lainnya dpl jangan main comot ayat.
Scripture interpret ScriptureSo, be careful not to base your conclusions, or build your interpretation of a Scripture on a single Scripture, but on Scripture as a whole. Scripture is the best interpreter of itself. Because that is the case, the first commentary you should consult on a passage is what the rest of the Scriptures have to say on the topic being examined. Commentaries, concordances, indexes in the back of your Bible and books on systematic theology can be very helpful in pointing out other verses on topics that you may be unfamiliar with.
So, let Scripture interpret Scripture; incredibly simple and yet so important to put into practice!