Saya sebagai non kristen menganggap katolik dan kristen adalah dua agama yang berbeda. Kenapa, karena Katolik menganggap tidak semua yang percaya Yesus masuk kerajaan surga, jika sesorang banyak berbuat dosa.
Sebaliknya, menurut Kristen, apapun perbuatannya, yang penting sudah dibaptis dan percaya kepada Yesus sebagai jurus selamat, seseorang pasti masuk kerajaan sorga.
AFAIK, tidak semua protestant mengatakan yg percaya Yesus pasti masuk surga.
Sepertinya Anda msh belum bertemu dengan rekan2 protestant yg mewakili pandangan yg sama dengan katolik.
Protestant opinion is divided on whether you can lose your salvation. Some argue that just as you can accept God you can also reject him and thus cease to be saved, but others argue that once someone is saved God will not allow that person to ever lose their salvation. There is actually a surprising amount of arguing on this point, and both sides have Bible verses to back up their views.
In practice, though, the differences become muted. Both sides agree that a saved person will follow the Bible and live a godly Christian life (which is naturally defined differently by different Christian sects).
Protestants (with the possible exception of some high church Protestants) do not believe in mortal and venial sins. Officially, they make no distinction. In practice, however, there is a sort of distinction. If a Christian individual lashes out in anger or temporarily falls prey to pornography, it’s generally seen as a sort of falling away from closeness with God that can be patched up. If a Christian individual rejects God or commits some sort of heinous sin like first degree murder or child molestation, that person’s salvation is questioned.
If a supposedly saved person rejects God or commits first degree murder, both sides of the debate will generally argue that that person is not saved (there may be exceptions, I’m generalizing here). They get there by different means, however: those who believe you can lose your salvation will say that that person lost his salvation by rejecting God, and those who believe you can’t lose your salvation will say that that person was never saved to begin with.
The whole “was never saved to begin with” thing is predicated on the fact that if someone is truly saved, if someone truly has that connection with the God of the universe, there is no way that person could ever fall away. It’s completely inconceivable. For that person to have an intimate relationship with God and then turn their back on him is impossible. Therefore, that person must never have been saved to begin with.
In practice, then, even those Christians who believe you can’t lose your salvation do not therefore believe you can go out and rape and murder and rob and still be saved, because they believe no truly saved Christian would go out and rape and murder and steal. In other words, being saved does not in practice act as an excuse to go commit crime. If you did use your “freedom in Christ” to go commit a crime, it would indicate that you hadn’t really been saved to begin with. jika berdoa, yang satu mengagungkan Bunda Maria, sementara Kristen cuma menyebut nama Yesus.
Ya berarti Anda masih kurang informasi mengenai ibadah dalam katolik dan protestant.
AFAIK, baik protestant dan katolik, kami sama2 mengagungkan Maria dan orang2 kudus lainnya.
Kami cuma berbeda dalam hal tata ibadah...
Pertanyaannya, dengan perbedaan yang sangat mencolok apakah masih bisa dikatakan satu keyakinan atau bahasa awamnya satu agama?
Analogi yg simple, kalo orang Jawa dan orang Batak memiliki perbedaan yg mencolok (dalam hal adat istiadat, budaya, tata krama, dll), apakah berarti mereka dapat dikatakan bukan berasal dari negara yg sama?
Perbedaan katolik dan protestant adalah perbedaan dalam hal tata ibadah dan doktrin, tapi kami memiliki satu persamaan dasar bahwa kami mengimani Allah Tritunggal Maha Kudus.