Referensi tambahan mengenai ajaran Bapa2 Gereja yg menjadi dasar didogmakan-nya ajaran "Maria dikandung tanpa noda"
"He who formed the first Virgin without deformity, also made the second one without spot or sin."
St. Amphilochius of Iconium (Lambruschini 162), 4th century
Perhatikan kata "(He) also MADE" sebagai perbandingan yg setara dengan "formed"ยจ---> Maria tidak bernoda sejak dibentuk dalam kandungan
Behold the Lord cometh into the Egypt of this world on a light cloud, which is the Virgin. "And He conducted them with a cloud by day." He said beautifully "by day," for that cloud was never in darkness, but always in light.
St. Jerome the Great of Strido, (Commentary on Psalm 77 in PL 26:1049BC), 4th century
Perhatikan kalimat "was never in darkness" --> selama hidupnya Maria tidak pernah berada dalam kegelapan (tersentuh noda dosa).
"The Church, like Mary, has perpetual integrity and incorrupt fruitfulness. For that which Mary merited in the flesh, the Church preserved in the spirit; the only difference is that the former bore one, the latter many."
St. Augustine the Great of Hippo (Sermon 12 On the Birth of the Lord), 4th century
Perhatikan kata "perpetual" di situ ---> tidak ada selang waktu di mana Maria pernah corrupted (sebelum mengandung Yesus), makanya St. Augustine akan menggunakan kata "perpetual"
In the place of Eve, an instrument of death, is chosen a Virgin, most pleasing to God and full of His grace, as an instrument of life. A Virgin included in woman's sex, but without a share in woman's fault. A Virgin innocent; immaculate; free from all guilt; spotless; undefiled; holy in spirit and body; a lily among thorns.
Bishop St. Theodotus of Ancyra, (Homily 6:11 on the Holy Mother of God in PG 77:1427A, 4th century
St. Theodotus mengajarkan hal yg sama dengan dekrit Paus Pius IX ttg dogma immaculate conception.
"As He formed her without any stain of her own, so He proceeded from her contracting no stain."
St. Proclus of Constantinople before 446, (Homily 1:3 in PG 65:683B)
Jelas sekali early church fathers memahami bahwa Maria itu without any stain "ketika DIA membentuk dirinya", yg dipahami oleh GKR sebagai immaculate conception.
"The angel took not the Virgin from Joseph, but gave her to Christ, to Whom she was pledged from Joseph, but gave her to Christ, to Whom she was pledged in the womb, when she was made."
St. Peter Chrysologus of Ravenna (Sermon 140 in PL 52:576A), 449 AD
Sudah jelas bahkan di abad ke4 pun sudah ada pemahaman bahwa Maria sudah dikhususkan (was pledged) sebagai Bunda Tuhan sejak dibentuk dalam kandungan.