eh, nih gw kok nemu pesen kek gini sih
Sekarang mari kita baca pernikahan Yusuf dengan Maria ibu Yesus. Menurut Chatolic Encyclopedia yang isinya catatan awal Kristen termasuk yang di apokrifakan (DISINI), dikatakan sebagai berikut :
"Ketika berumur 40 tahun, Yusuf menikahi seorang wanita bernama Melcha atau beberapa orang menyebutnya Escha, dan lainnya menyebut Salome. Mereka hidup 49 tahun bersama dan mempunyai 6 anak, 2 wanita dan 4 lelaki, yang termuda adalah James. Setahun setelah istrinya meninggal, para Pendeta mengumumkan ke negara Judea bahwa mereka diharapkan menemukan pria terhormat di seluruh Judea untuk mengawini Maria. Setelah berumur 11 sampai 14 tahun , Yusuf yang saat itu berumur 90 tahun, pergi ke Yerusalem sebagai salah satu kandidat. Keajaiban Tuhan memilihkan Yusuf sebagai calon Maria. 2 tahun kemudian isyarat itu terjadi. Jadi kita sekarang tahu bahwa Maria mempunyai suami yaitu Yusuf yang merupakan ayah Yesus."
emang bener tuh Catholic Encyclopedia nulis gitu ? Atw mungkin ada maksud lain seperti misalnya seharusnya ditulis "mengawini 11 sampai 14 tahun kemudian" jd salah nerjemahin jd "mengawini pd usia 11 sampai 14 tahun" ? mohon pencerahan lagi
Saya tidak komentari hal yang lain, karena diluar topik. Tetapi mengenai usia Maria, memang diperkirakan seperti itu.
Seperti anda bisa lihat literatur arkeologi Yahudi, atau situs ini :
In Jewish Ashkenazi communities in the Middle Ages, girls were married off very young.[1] Despite the young threshold for marriage a large age gap between the spouses was opposed.[2][3]
Child marriage was possible in Judaism due to the very low marriageable age for females. A ketannah (literally meaning little [one]) was any girl between the age of 3 years and that of 12 years plus one day;[4] a ketannah was completely subject to her father's authority, and her father could arrange a marriage for her without her agreement.[4] If the father was dead or missing, the brothers of the ketannah, collectively, had the right to arrange a marriage for her, as had her mother,[4] although in these situations a ketannah would always have the right to annul her marriage even if it was the first.[5] According to the Talmud a father is commanded not to marry his daughter to anyone until she grows up and says 'I want this one'.[6] A marriage that takes place without the consent of the girl is not an effective legal marriage.[7] If the marriage did end (due to divorce or the husband's death), any further marriages were optional; the ketannah had the right to annul them.[5] The choice of a ketannah to annul a marriage, known in Hebrew as mi'un (literally meaning refusal/denial/protest),[5] lead to a true annulment, not a divorce; a divorce document (get) was not necessary,[8] and a ketannah who did this was not regarded by legal regulations as a divorcee, in relation to the marriage.[9] Unlike divorce, mi'un was regarded with distaste by many rabbinic writers,[5] even in the Talmud;[10] in earlier classical Judaism, one major faction - the House of Shammai - argued that such annulment rights only existed during the betrothal period (erusin) and not once the actual marriage (nissu'in) had begun.[11]