Author Topic: Siapa Theofilus ??  (Read 1411 times)

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Siapa Theofilus ??
« on: April 10, 2013, 02:08:30 PM »
titipan pertanyaan dari teman..

siapakah yang dimaksud TEOFILUS oleh lukas dalam Luk 1:1 dan Kis 1:1 ??
 :what: :what: :what: :what:

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Re: Siapa Theofilus ??
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2013, 01:37:22 PM »
Itu tandanya bahwa Theofilus itu bukan tokoh 'kacangan'.

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Re: Siapa Theofilus ??
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2013, 07:16:16 PM »
titipan pertanyaan dari teman..

siapakah yang dimaksud TEOFILUS oleh lukas dalam Luk 1:1 dan Kis 1:1 ??
 :what: :what: :what: :what:

Theophilus is the name or honorary title of the person to whom the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles are addressed (Luke 1:3, Acts 1:1). It is thought that both Luke and Acts were written by the same author, and sometimes argued that the two books were originally a single unified work.[citation needed] Both Luke and Acts were written in a refined Koine Greek, and the name "θεόφιλος" ("Theophilos"), as it appears therein, means friend of God[1] or (be)loved by God or loving God[2] in the Greek language. No one knows the true identity of Theophilus and there are several conjectures and traditions around an identity. In English Theophilus is also written "Theophilos", both a common name and an honorary title among the learned (academic) Romans and Jews of the era. Their life would coincide with the writing of Luke and the author of Acts.

Bishop of Antioch. Eusebius in his "Chronicle" places the name of Theophilus against that of Pope Soter (169-77), and that of Maximinus, Theophilus's successor, against the name of Eleutherus (177-93). This does not mean that Maximinus succeeded Theophilus in 177, but only that Theophilus and Maximinus flourished respectively in the times of Soter and Eleutherus. Lightfoot and Hort showed that Eusebius, having no such precise chronological data for the bishops of Antioch as he had for those of Rome and Alexandria, placed the names of the Antiochene bishops against those of contemporary Roman bishops (Lightfoot, "St. Ignatius", etc., II, 468 sq., and "St. Clement", etc., I, 224 sqq.). When therefore we find in the third book of Theophilus, "Ad Autolychum", that the writer was alive after the death (180) of Marcus Aurelius, it does not follow, as even writers like Harnack and Bardenhewer suppose, that Eusebius made a chronological blunder.

The "Ad Autolychum", the only extant writing of Theophilus, is an apology for Christianity. It consists of three books, really separate works written at different times, and corresponds exactly to the description given of it by Eusebius as "three elementary works" (Church History IV.24). The author speaks of himself as a convert from heathenism. He treats of such subjects as the Christian idea of God, the Scripture accounts of the origin of man and the world as compared with pagan myths. On several occasions he refers (in connection with the early chapters of Genesis) to an historical work composed by himself. Eusebius (op. cit.) speaks of refutations of Marcion and Hermogenes, and "catechetical books". To these St. Jerome (Illustrious Men 25) adds commentaries on Proverbs and the Gospels. He speaks of the latter in the prologue to his own commentary on the Gospels, and also in his epistle "Ad Algasiam", where we learn that Theophilus commented upon a Diatessaron or Gospel Harmony composed by himself ("Theophilus . . . quattuor Evangelistarum in unum opus compingens"). A long quotation in the same epistle is all that survives of this commentary, for Zahn's attempt to identify it with a Latin commentary ascribed in some manuscripts to Theophilus has found no supporters.

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Re: Siapa Theofilus ??
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2013, 07:21:48 AM »
titipan pertanyaan dari teman..

siapakah yang dimaksud TEOFILUS oleh lukas dalam Luk 1:1 dan Kis 1:1 ??
 :what: :what: :what: :what:

Theofilus berarti 'kekasih Allah" atau 'orang-orang yang dikasihi Allah." Mungkinkah Theofilus bukan sosok pribadi tapi sekumpulan orang Kristen yg karena ingin menghindari penganiayaan Romawi terpaksa menggunakan nama pseudonim  ?