Seperti yang saya post sebelonnya ... adalah menjadi sulit apabila kisah Eden dimengertikan secara literal ... karena akan menuntun ke pertanyaan rasional dan jawaban irrasional ataupun spekulasi :
Q : Dimana Eden, sekarang ?
A : tentu masih literally ada di bumi, cuma belon ketemu.
People tends to believe what they WANTS to believe.
Kalau menurut bro, kisah adam hawa bukan literal atau hanya metafora ya itu hak bro.
So, kalimat merah bisa juga dimengertikan sbg suatu pernyataan yg memang sudah berlaku (tanpa memandang ada makan buah atopun tidak ada makan buah) namun belon diketahui AdamHawa. Disaat itulah dikasih tau oleh Allah. Iya kaaan ? ![smile :)](
So, kalimat "sampai engkau kembali lagi menjadi tanah" dimengertikan sbg suatu pernyataan yg berlaku dengan memandang adam hawa ada makan buah - melanggar perintah Allah.
Yang saya baca, yang dikutuk itu TANAH - bukan keturunan AdamHawa, hubaya
- "sampai engkau kembali lagi menjadi tanah" = adam.
- "terkutuklah tanah karena engkau" = semak duri dan rumput duri yang akan dihasilkannya.
- jangan sampai ia mengulurkan tangannya dan mengambil pula dari buah pohon kehidupan itu dan memakannya, sehingga ia hidup untuk selama-lamanya. Lalu Tuhan Allah mengusir dia dari taman Eden supaya ia mengusahakan tanah dari mana ia diambil.
(Kej 3:22)- makan buah kehidupan = kekal, tidak makan buah kehidupan = tidak kekal..
- adam hawa diusir dari taman eden = mereka dan keturunannya tidak bisa makan buah kehidupan = tidak kekal.
(menanggung konsekwensi perbuatan adam, tapi bukan mewarisi dosanya adam dengan konsep dosa keturunan = dosa keturunan adam + dosa adam hawa)- Jadi Adam mencapai umur sembilan ratus tiga puluh tahun, lalu ia mati.
(Kej. 5:5)- keturunan adam pun mengalami mati.
(status henokh dan elia - dalam perdebatan)- adam diambil dari tanah debu.. tanah menjadi dikutuk karena adam (tanah).
Bro pernah meneliti 'debu we are made of' secara science ?
debu mengandung semua mineral hewan dan vegetable nourishment produced by the earth.
debu terdiri dari molekul.
molekul terdiri dari atom, elektron, partikel subatom.
semakin diteliti unsur2 lebih dalam dengan tujuan menemukan intinya / hakekatnya... we'll discover more and more vast space and less and less substance and yet paradoxically our experience is that the Universe is created out of tangible, solid substance.
Tentang konsep 'mati', ada beberapa macam.. dan kalau kita belum mengalami, yang bisa kita bicarakan ialah konsep.
What do Orthodox Christians teach about death and what happens when we die?It is beyond any doubt that we Christians are convinced that we are created for life; it is not God's will that we die. God doesn't want death; He wants life. In the Scripture, death is the enemy. The Apostle Paul even calls death, "the last enemy". Death is not natural, not a natural part of our life and not willed by God. The Wisdom of Solomon, which for us is part of the Bible, says very clearly, "God did not create death". Death comes into the world as a rebellion against God. Death comes into the world because people do not choose life, but choose death, darkness, and themselves over God.
St. Athanasios said, "
if you choose yourself you are choosing nothing, because that what you are without God", since we are created out of nothing.
For God gives our whole life to us, Who is the living God and the only One Who lives.
It is our teaching that death results from human rebellion against God from the beginning and with the help of the demons (who are lovers of death, darkness and evil).
The Bible teaches actually teaches kind of a 'package plan', you have God, truth, life and glory, or you have the demons, darkness, death, satan, sin, corruption, ugliness and rot. This is the basic reality, and there is no middle path.
In the eight chapter of the Epistle to the Romans, the Apostle Paul says, "working in our members is always a heterosnomos (another law)".
Human beings think that they are economists, in other words, they are 'a law unto themselves', but according to the Scriptures we are not.
Either there is the law (nomos) of Christ, which the Apostle Paul calls the law of the Holy Spirit and Life in his Epistle to the Romans, or there is the law of sin and death.
There is either one law or the other that works, if it isn't the one it is the other.
Here we interpret the Genesis story as the choice of death.
Furthermore, it is even not strictly Orthodox to think of sin as a corrupted choice or making the wrong choice.
I believe that our teaching is that the problem is not whether it is right or wrong but choice itself (as taught by St. Maximos the Confessor), because if you are a creature you have no choice.
If there is God and God is God and God is the living God and God is Who He is, our only choice is to give up our choice and listen to and obey Him.
This is very important to understand, because the modern people think that the more choices they have and the more they deliberate the more the freer they are, however this is not Biblical.
What we say is that if there is God, at any given moment the only choice we have is to give up choice and obey Him, listen to Him, trust Him, to love Him and to believe Him.
The primordial sin is exactly saying "no, I will not obey, trust or love God. I will do it my way".
You know what takes place when you do it your way; you perish and die.
That is where death comes from. Where there is obedience, love and trust in God, there can not be death.
If one was to obey God totally, live in communion with God, trust and love God in everything, that person will not be able to die.
It is interesting in the Genesis story, God did not say to Adam and Eve, "eat of the tree and I will kill you".
He said, "you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil", meaning choice rather than obedience, "for when you eat of it you will surely die", for it is sin that kills you.
God doesn't kill anybody, in that sense; we kill ourselves.
So the minute we take our life in our own hands to do what we want to do, and do not obey God, basically we commit suicide.
Furthermore, we put that death over to our children who are born in the same condition of death when born into the world. That is what the 'ancestral sin' is all about.
A second point is that we would say that the human task is to overcome and destroy death, and to make death to die so that life can then live.