Saya menyakini penulis Surat Ibrani ialah Rasul Paulus.
Gaya bahasanya sangat Paulistik.
1. Semua Surat Paulus pasti St Paulus akan menuliskan namanya.
2. St Paulus termasuk Rasul yang sangat percaya diri, tidak mungkin menyembunyikan namanya.
3. Surat St Clement:
The Letter of Clementine Epistle to the Corinthians
The Second Letter to the Corinthians
Ini sangat mirip dengan St Paulus maupun Surat Ibrani.
1 Clem 26:1 "Do we then think it to be a great and marvelous thing, if the Creator of the universe shall bring about the resurrection of them that have served Him with holiness in the assurance of a good faith, seeing that He showeth to us even by a bird the magnificence of His promise?"
Surat ini ternyata diimani oleh Gereja Korintus:
It was highly regarded, and was read in church at Corinth along with the Scriptures c. 170.
The Epistle is in the name of the Church of Rome but the early authorities always ascribe it to Clement. Dionysius, Bishop of Corinth, wrote c. 170 to the Romans in Pope Soter's time: "Today we kept the holy day, the Lord's day, and on it we read your letter- and we shall ever have it to give us instruction, even as the former one written through Clement" (Eusebius, Church History IV.30).
Hegesippus attributed the letter to Clement. Irenaeus, c. 180-5 perhaps using Hegesippus, says: "Under this Clement no small sedition took place among the brethren at Corinth and the Church of Rome sent a most sufficient letter to the Corinthians, establishing them in peace, and renewing their faith, and announcing the tradition it had recently received from the Apostles" (III, iii). Clement of Alexandria, c. 200, frequently quotes the Epistle as Clement's, and so do Origen and Eusebius. Lightfoot and Harnack are fond of pointing out that we hear earlier of the importance of the Roman Church than of the authority of the Roman bishop. If Clement had spoken in his own name, they would surely have noted expressly that he wrote not as Bishop of Rome, but as an aged "presbyter" who had known the Apostles. St. John indeed was still alive, and Corinth was rather nearer to Ephesus than to Rome. Clement evidently writes officially, with all that authority of the Roman Church of which Ignatius and Irenaeus have so much to say.
4. Disebut teman sekerja St Paulus didalam Alkitab:
Fil 4:3 Bahkan, kuminta kepadamu juga, Sunsugos, temanku yang setia: tolonglah mereka. Karena mereka telah berjuang dengan aku dalam pekabaran Injil, bersama-sama dengan Klemens dan kawan-kawanku sekerja yang lain, yang nama-namanya tercantum dalam kitab kehidupan.
Kalau benar sebagian Surat St Paulus ditulis oleh orang lain, tentunya St Clement orangnya!
5. Naskah Asli kemungkinan adalah Codex Vaticanus:
The provenance and early history of the codex is uncertain; Rome (Hort), southern Italy, Alexandria (Kenyon, Burkitt), and Caesarea (T. C. Skeat) have been suggested as the origin.