saya rasa kekristenan tdk atau belum menyentuh arab, khususnya kaum qurays yg menyembah berhala pada masa itu.
Dan Nabi masih dlm keadaan buta huruf juga saat itu.
Mungkin anda perlu mempelajari peta daerah Timur tengah dan peristiwa2 yang terjadi di tahun 600an, mas.
Coba pelajari peta daerah timur tengah ini, mas.
Dan baca ini, terjadi di Ethiopia :
When Ezanus took the throne in approximately
303, Frumentius went to Alexandria, and was designated as the official bishop to Ethiopia. He returned to Ethiopia in 305 and began a lifetime of evangelism, including converting Emperor Ezanus to Christianity (Marcus 7).
In 350, Ezanus expanded his kingdom into Sudan and the Nile region to secure trade. After defeating the opposition, Emperor Ezanus thanked God for his protection, and for the next few centuries, no one is known to have challenged Axum's trading monopoly (Marcus 8).
Trade not only brought prosperity, but it also brought about change. Ge'ez began to take hold as the common language of the people and was often used by royalty. The Bible was also translated into Ge'ez. As well as the language taking shape, other countries began looking to Axum as a superpower (Marcus 8).
Ethiopia sudah menjadi kerajaan Kristen dan menyebar sampai ke Sudan.
Selain Ethipia, Mesir juga adalah kerajaan Kristen, bahkan pusat Kekristenan di Africa. Anda tentu sering menemukn kata Alexandria di Alkitab, itu adalah kota di Mesir.
Begitu juga jangan lupakan Jordania.
Following the establishment of Roman Empire at Syria, the country was incorporated into the client Judaean Kingdom of Herod, and later the Iudaea Province. With the suppression of Jewish Revolts, the eastern bank of Transjordan was incorporated into the Syria Palaestina province, while the eastern deserts fell under Parthian and later Persian Sassanid control. During the Greco-Roman period, a number of semi-independent city-states also developed in the region of Transjordan under the umbrella of the Decapolis including: Gerasa (Jerash), Philadelphia (Amman), Raphana (Abila), Dion (Capitolias), Gadara (Umm Qays), and Pella (Irbid).
With the decline of the Eastern Roman Empire, Transjordan came to be
controlled by the Christian Ghassanid Arab kingdom, which allied with Byzantium.
Jadi, saat Sang Nabi masih kafir, beliau telah mulai belajar banyak tentang Kekristenan, yang merupakan agama yang berkembang di sana saat itu.