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Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« on: September 14, 2012, 08:14:01 AM »
Ada yang sudah menyaksikan film yang menghebohkan ini?

Innocence of Muslims, previously called Desert Warriors and Innocence of Bin Laden, is a 2012 anti-Muslim[2] film about Muhammad. The trailers for the film, after they were dubbed into Arabic, were cited during the attacks on U.S. diplomatic missions on September 11, 2012. One of these attacks was the storming of the United States Embassy in Cairo, Egypt. The other attacks were in Benghazi, Libya and were primarily directed at the United States consulate, which suffered at least four deaths of U.S. diplomatic personnel, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens.[3]

The independent film was produced and directed by a person first identified in casting calls as "Alan Roberts",[1] and then in media reports "Sam Bacile", initially described as a 56-year-old (52 years old according to the Wall Street Journal[4]) real estate developer from Israel who spoke by phone with the Associated Press.[3][5] Israeli authorities found no evidence that he is an Israeli citizen,[6][7] and there is no evidence of a Sam Bacile around 50 years old living in California or having a real estate license[8][7] or participating in Hollywood filmmaking.[9] Though "Bacile" claimed the film had been made for $5 million from more than 100 Jewish donors,[10] Hollywood Reporter described the film's appearance as unprofessional, bringing this claim into doubt.[11] The film's self-identified consultant, Steve Klein, reportedly told Bacile: "You're going to be the next Theo van Gogh."[12] Klein later told journalist Jeffrey Goldberg that Bacile is not a real person and is not Israeli nor Jewish, as has been reported, and that the name is a pseudonym for about fifteen Copts and Evangelical Christians from Syria, Turkey, Pakistan, and Egypt. Goldberg questions the reliability of Klein.[13] According to a man who identified himself to the Wall Street Journal as Bacile, the film was produced to call attention to what he called the "hypocrisies" of Islam.[14]

On September 12, 2012, Time reported that Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, a Coptic Christian in Los Angeles, admitted being the manager for the film's production, but denied being Sam Bacile.[15] The Associated Press interviewed Nakoula at his home after finding evidence connecting Nakoula to Bacile, including sharing a phone number and Nakoula previously using aliases such as Nicola Bacily.[15] In 2010, Nakoula pled no contest to bank fraud, and was ordered to pay nearly $800,000 in restitution, was sentenced to 21 months in prison and is forbidden from using the Internet for five years.[15] Nakoula Basseley Nakoula was released from prison June 2011.[16] According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Jennifer Leigh Williams, Nakoula opened bank accounts using stolen identities and Social Security numbers, and deposited checks from those accounts so Nakoula would withdraw money at ATM machines.[17]

The cast and crew have publicly stated that they were deceived about the purpose and content of the film. In a statement obtained by CNN, the film's 80 cast and crew members disavowed the film, they said: "The entire cast and crew are extremely upset and feel taken advantage of by the producer. We are 100% not behind this film and were grossly misled about its intent and purpose." It further explained, "We are shocked by the drastic re-writes of the script and lies that were told to all involved. We are deeply saddened by the tragedies that have occurred."[18] Cindy Lee Garcia, who played the mother of Muhammad's bride-to-be, said the script for a movie called Desert Warriors, about life in Egypt 2,000 years ago, and that the character "Muhammad" was referred to as "Master George" on set. According to Garcia, "Bacile" claimed to be an Israeli real estate mogul. Later, however, he told her he was Egyptian, and she heard him speaking in Arabic with other men on set. Garcia was stunned to find out that the film was actually an anti-Muslim agitprop piece, and that "it makes me sick" that she was involved in a film that caused people to die. She is considering legal action against "Bacile."[1]

The overdubbing permitted the film's director to deceive the cast into taking part in the movie under the pretense that it was about the life of a generic Egyptian from 2,000 years ago. Sarah Abdurrahman, a producer for WNYC's On the Media program [19] stated that all of the religious references were overdubbed.[20]



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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2012, 08:14:21 AM »

Screening, promotion and reactions

On June 23 the movie was screened once under the name, "Innocence of Bin Laden," to an audience of under 10 at The Vine Theater, which rents space for private screenings, on Hollywood Boulevard.[12][21] According to one attendee, "The acting was of the worst caliber," and "had no inkling that that movie was anti-Islamic and did not recall the movie referencing the prophet Mohammad," but he did not see the whole film.[21]

The film has been promoted by pastor Terry Jones. Media reporting of Jones' burning of Qurans previously led to deadly riots around the world. Jones said on 11 September 2012 that he planned to show a 13-minute trailer that night at his church the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida. "It is an American production, not designed to attack Muslims but to show the destructive ideology of Islam," he said in a statement. "The movie further reveals in a satirical fashion the life of Muhammad."[3]

In July 2012, a 14-minute excerpt from the English-language film was posted on YouTube. By September the movie had been dubbed into Arabic and was brought to the attention of the Arabic-speaking world by Coptic blogger Morris Sadek whose Egyptian citizenship had been revoked for promoting calls for an attack on Egypt.[22][23] Muslim leaders criticized the film's depiction of Muhammad.[24] The Daily Telegraph reported that it portrayed Muhammad as an advocate of pedophilia and a homosexual, and also showed him having sex.[25]

According to a Cairo newspaper, the film was denounced by the leader of an Egyptian political party,[26] also the US Embassy in Cairo issued a statement condemning what it called "continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims," an apparent reference to the video.[27]During the same day a two-minute excerpt dubbed in Arabic was broadcast by Sheikh Khaled[28] on Al-Nas, an Egyptian television station.[29] In the excerpt, the actor playing Muhammad called a donkey "the first Muslim animal".[30] Time attributed the scene, depicting Muhammad having a homoerotic, one-sided conversation with a donkey.[31]

U.S. Libyan diplomatic mission attacks

Main article: 2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks
The Arabic version of the film was cited as the alleged reason for several September 11 attacks on U.S. embassies in the Arab world, although reports have arisen that purport to indicate that the attacks were Al Quaeda planned and carried out under the cover of locally incited riots[32] . The embassies in Cairo and Benghazi were both attacked, with the Benghazi attack reported to have resulted in the death of ambassador Christopher Stevens.[33] Including three other American diplomats [34]There is presently some confusion whether Stevens was killed in the Tuesday attack or in a separate rocket attack on his motorcade as it fled the city early Wednesday morning.[35]

Afghanistan decided to censor YouTube; president Hamid Karzai said the makers of the film committed a "devilish act".[36] Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi urged the United States government on Tuesday to prosecute the 'madmen' behind the video."[37] The Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the film as "an insult to sacred Muslim figures" while criticizing the response of the United States government.[38]

Several news services have reported that Bacile has gone into hiding fearing that current actions could be used as an excuse to harm him,[3] and that he continues to defend the film.[12] Saying he was sorry for the death of Stevens, Bacile blamed the consulate's security system.[6]

The day following the attacks, YouTube announced that it had "temporarily restricted access" to the video in Egypt and Libya.[39]

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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2012, 09:06:01 AM »
iya neh kmrn sempet liat beritanya pada demo..
bener2 ini yg bikin film kurang kerjaan dan sangat terlihat tujuannya utk mancing kemarahaan aja..para member yg non Kristen jangan terpancing emosinya...

jadi inget dl ada film Yesus yg kurang lbh sama kyk film ini..

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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2012, 10:33:22 AM »
Kemarin setelah ada kasus di atas, dimana ada duta besar AS di Libya dan staffnya menjadi korban, sempat terjadi diskusi singkat dengan seorang rekan Muslim, kira2 seperti ini:

Teman (Muslim) : Wah, ada film tentang nabi Muhammad, sampai ada yang mati dibunu h..
Saya                  : Ya, saya juga baru baca beritanya. Tapi saya juga belum tahu film yang diributkan itu film seperti apa..
Teman               : Saya juga belum jelas, tapi isinya menghina Nabi Muhammad. Kalau di Kristen pernah ada gak film seperti itu?
Saya                  : Maksudnya yang menghujat Kristen atau Yesus? Ya banyak...banyak banget malah...
Teman               : Gak dibunuh tuh orangnya?                (Whaaaat.....?????  :o )
Saya                  : Ya buat apa? Kalau tiap ada yang menghina agama kita terus kita bunuh, bisa2 orang Kristen tiap hari kerjaannya cuma membunuh orang............

Lucu juga ya jalan pikiran teman muslim-ku itu...    :idiot:
« Last Edit: September 14, 2012, 12:02:55 PM by Shakes_peare »
πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἐλεγμόν, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ

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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 11:56:25 AM »

Lucu juga ya jalan pikiran teman muslim-ku itu...

hehehehehehe..itulah jadinya kalau tidak pernah mempertanyakan iman sendiri
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2012, 12:04:11 PM »
Kalau kita bandingkan, mana yang lebih menghina, antara Salman Rushdie dengan The Satanic Verse nya, atau Dan Brown dengan DaVinci code nya?

DaVinci Code bisa bebas beredar, dan justru diterbitkan di Indonesia oleh Serambi (penerbit Muslim), saya bayangkan kalau BPK Gunung Mulia atau Gramedia menerbitkan Satanic Verse di Indobesia, apa yang akan terjadi.

Kembali kepada kasus di atas, memang pembuat film nya jelas kurang ajar, dan melakukan tindakan yang menyakiti umat tetangga. Tetapi apa yang menjadi reaksi, jelas tidak sewajarnya, dan bukan kepada sasarannya.

Tetapi, kalau soal salah sasaran, atau lebih tepatnya sasaran yang sembarangan, rasanya sih memang itu khas umat tetangga.


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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2012, 01:35:50 PM »
Kembali kepada kasus di atas, memang pembuat film nya jelas kurang ajar, dan melakukan tindakan yang menyakiti umat tetangga. Tetapi apa yang menjadi reaksi, jelas tidak sewajarnya, dan bukan kepada sasarannya.

susah juga, Bro. habis ajarannya memang mengharuskan para tetangga untuk membela agama dan nabi habis2an (kalau perlu bunuh). saya kadang heran, mengapa juga harus dibela?
kalau memang berkuasa, mengapa harus diperjuangkan dengan cara yang aneh seperti itu?
kalau memang tidak berkuasa, ya memang harus dibela sih..

saya pernah nonton video penghinaan Yesus via youtube. di sana terdengar suara "Pendeta imitasi" yang khotbah-nya sangat kacau. saya cuma  nyengir pas nonton, dan tidak terpikir untuk membunuh pelaku-nya. ngapain juga buang2 energi untuk menghabisi orang 'sakit'.
hahahahaha..orang 'sakit' kan jatahnya psikolog atau psikiater

lebih baik konsen ke pekerjaan dan kegiatan sosial di gereja
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2012, 01:47:35 PM »
Ya begitulah, sis. Cuma memang kadang saya suka heran juga dengan orang orang yang koq ya sempat sempatnya bikin film seperti itu, bikin gambar kartun nabi, dan berbagai ejekan itu. Akibatnya kan sudah jelas, ibarat orang sakit jiwa di provokasi, ya ngamuk.

Jadi...... mungkin yang memprovokasi dan yang diprovokasi jangan jangan juga punya level penyakit jiwa yang sama, ya.



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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2012, 02:06:26 PM »
Jadi...... mungkin yang memprovokasi dan yang diprovokasi jangan jangan juga punya level penyakit jiwa yang sama, ya.



kelihatannya prospek psikiater dan psikolog sangat cerah di masa sekarang dan masa depan ya Bro..
banyak orang sakit yang saling mem-provokasi
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2012, 02:08:30 PM »
kelihatannya prospek psikiater dan psikolog sangat cerah di masa sekarang dan masa depan ya Bro..
banyak orang sakit yang saling mem-provokasi

Minat jadi provocator? ......... Eeeeh, maksud saya jadi psikiater ?


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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2012, 02:11:59 PM »
Minat jadi provocator? ......... Eeeeh, maksud saya jadi psikiater ?


tidak, Bro. sepertinya Anda lebih cocok untuk profesi itu.
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)

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Re: Innocence of Muslims - Film yang menghebohkan
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2012, 02:28:06 PM »
teman muslim di fik jangan terpancing yeh..
menurut aku yang buat film itu atheist dan intolerant..