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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #75 on: October 05, 2012, 04:38:13 PM »
Damai bagimu striker.

Dari beberapa kesalahketikan Anda, melebihi biasanya, ingin saya sampaikan, tenangkan batinmu.Jika itu kesimpulan striker, yo wis... ben. Tapi memang, mengingatkan saya pada pikiran yang menuduh bahwa Injil telah dirubah. Ditanyakan mana yang asli, nggak tahu. Tahunya hanya Injil telah dirubah.Lepas dari berani atau tidak berani, dalam hal menilai apakah Jesus Kristus menikah, saya tidak berandai-andai. Jesus Kristus tidak menikah. Titik. Bahan diskusi selain dari ketidaknikahan itu, tidak saya ladeni.Sejak Reply keberapa itu, striker mulai menyajikan nama Romo Benny? Saya menduga, striker ingin menggeser topik diskusi dari substansi papirus itu, ke pernyataan Romo Benny. Demikiankah? Ini pernyataan Romo Benny menurut petikan striker di Reply#65 "tdk mustahil kalau kelak ditemukan arkeologi2 lain yg akan mengguncang keimanan umat kristen, karena bertentangan dengan apa yg sekarang diyakini."... ''bahwa umat krsten harus secara dini menyiapkan keimanannya utk menghadapi hal2 tersebut'' Jika ini hendak di bahas, kiranya perlu dibuka trit yang lain, bukan di trit ini.Kembali lagi striker berandai-andai dengan mengatakan, "kalau memang itu...". Saya tidak akan menilainya.

Pastikan dulu.
Pernyataan sebagus itu, mungkin akan terabadikan juga dalam tulisan, dan dientry ke dunia maya oleh para pemerhati. Cari saja, agar kita bahas terpisah, sebab pernyataan seperti itu menurut saya kurang spesifik ke papirus acuan trit ini.

coba nanti saya cari2kan dan mungkin bisa diunduh disini..

mengeneia injil nanti malah OOT mas, tapi saya mendapatkan info seperti ini:
Injil Markus

Injil Matius

Injil Lukas

Injil Yohanes

Dialog Sang Juru Selamat

Injil Andreas

Injil Apelles

Injil Bardesanes

Injil Barnabas

Injil Bartelomeus

Injil Basilides

Injil Kelahiran Maria

Injil Cerinthus

Injil Hawa

Injil Ebionit

Injil Orang-orang Mesir

Injil Encratites

Injil Empat Wilayah Surgawi

Injil Orang-orang Ibrani

Injil Hesychius

Injil Masa Kecil Yesus Kristus

Injil Judas Iskariot

Injil Jude

Injil Marcion

Injil Mani

Injil Maria

Injil Matthias

Injil Merinthus

Injil Menurut Kaum Nazaret

Injil Nikomedus

Injil Kesempurnaan

Injil Petrus

Injil Philipus

Injil Pseudo-Matius

Injil Scythianus

Injil Tujuh Puluh

Injil Thaddaeus

Injil Tomas

Injil Titan

Injil Kebenaran

Injil Dua Belas Rasul

Injil Valentinus

Protevangelion James

Injil Rahasia Markus

Injil Tomas tentang Masa Kecil Yesus Kristus..

apakah benar ada injil segitu banyaknya?
dan apakah selain injil yg 4 itu, semua palsu?

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #76 on: October 05, 2012, 04:44:01 PM »
apakah benar ada injil segitu banyaknya?
dan apakah selain injil yg 4 itu, semua palsu?
Semua selain ke4 Injil itu, palsu. Itu sudah disepakati, dan diimani dalam penetapannya dicampurtangani Roh Kudus.

Offline Ignas

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #77 on: October 05, 2012, 04:45:14 PM »
coba nanti saya cari2kan dan mungkin bisa diunduh disini..

mengeneia injil nanti malah OOT mas, tapi saya mendapatkan info seperti ini:
Injil Markus

Injil Matius

Injil Lukas

Injil Yohanes

Dialog Sang Juru Selamat

Injil Andreas

Injil Apelles

Injil Bardesanes

Injil Barnabas

Injil Bartelomeus

Injil Basilides

Injil Kelahiran Maria

Injil Cerinthus

Injil Hawa

Injil Ebionit

Injil Orang-orang Mesir

Injil Encratites

Injil Empat Wilayah Surgawi

Injil Orang-orang Ibrani

Injil Hesychius

Injil Masa Kecil Yesus Kristus

Injil Judas Iskariot

Injil Jude

Injil Marcion

Injil Mani

Injil Maria

Injil Matthias

Injil Merinthus

Injil Menurut Kaum Nazaret

Injil Nikomedus

Injil Kesempurnaan

Injil Petrus

Injil Philipus

Injil Pseudo-Matius

Injil Scythianus

Injil Tujuh Puluh

Injil Thaddaeus

Injil Tomas

Injil Titan

Injil Kebenaran

Injil Dua Belas Rasul

Injil Valentinus

Protevangelion James

Injil Rahasia Markus

Injil Tomas tentang Masa Kecil Yesus Kristus..

apakah benar ada injil segitu banyaknya?

Yah kamu membuat buku bahasa indonesia yang menurut kamu menceritakan kehidupan Yesus pun dapat disebut injil..
tambah banyak deh..  :grining:

dan apakah selain injil yg 4 itu, semua palsu?

palsu atau tidak kan tergantung org melihatnya,
contoh : Islam melihat Injil Barabas => menyimpulkan Injil ini asli walaupun ditulis oleh siapa juga tdak diketahui, ditulis berabad2 setelah Yesus naik kesurga yang penting menguntungkan kelompoknya, kan begitu..?

FYI, Kitab Suci menurut Kristen itu ada kriterianya (dapat kamu liat dari tulisan jenova, di board lain).

Apakah selain 4 Injil adalah Palsu, maka saya jawab IYA..!
Saya berdosa, saya berdosa, saya sungguh berdosa.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #78 on: October 05, 2012, 04:47:08 PM »
Apakah bukan standar ganda striker...kalau kehidupan bapa Abraham/ Ibrahim dilukiskan anak2nya atau Nabi2 yang lain lho kok Nabi Isa ...yang berkuasa membangkitkan orang mati ...tidak tercatat kisah pelayanannya bersama anak atau isterinya hanya bersama para rasulnya tidak kah kamu merasa aneh... :D

Kalau anda mengikuti dengan baik nasehat romo Benny...beliau menerangkan bahwa kita harus mengcounter isu2 global dengan cerdas bukan dengan demo anarkis...

Dengan ini orang kristen dapat kembali bertanya pada Gerejanya masing2...

Khusus Gereja katolik selain Kitab Suci , mereka juga punya Tradisi suci dan Hirarki...

Jadi tinggal patuhi nasehat romo Benny ...counter juga isu dengan cerdas dan jangan demo anarkis apalagi sampai membunuh duta besar negara lain  :)

tdk aneh juga, karena Allah mengangkat Isa itu masih muda, mungkin juga belum sempat punya anak  :)

besarnya kecintaan kami kepada Rasul, mungkin tdk sebesar kecintaan anda terhadap Tuhan anda, sehingga di dunia maya berseliweran adegan yg menistakan Tuhan anda (seperti klip Yesus tertabrak bis, Yesus bugil dll), tapi anda spertinya biasa2 saja.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #79 on: October 05, 2012, 04:49:27 PM »
Yah kamu membuat buku bahasa indonesia yang menurut kamu menceritakan kehidupan Yesus pun dapat disebut injil..
tambah banyak deh..  :grining:

palsu atau tidak kan tergantung org melihatnya,
contoh : Islam melihat Injil Barabas => menyimpulkan Injil ini asli walaupun ditulis oleh siapa juga tdak diketahui, ditulis berabad2 setelah Yesus naik kesurga yang penting menguntungkan kelompoknya, kan begitu..?

FYI, Kitab Suci menurut Kristen itu ada kriterianya (dapat kamu liat dari tulisan jenova, di board lain).

Apakah selain 4 Injil adalah Palsu, maka saya jawab IYA..!

Nah kalau Islam mengatakan injil telah dipalsukan, mengapa anda tdk terima?
buktinya ada banyak juga injil2 yg anda anggap palsu kan?  :D

Islam juga tdk mengatakan bhawa injil barnabas itu asli, siapa yg bilang?

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #80 on: October 05, 2012, 04:56:16 PM »
Nah kalau Islam mengatakan injil telah dipalsukan, mengapa anda tdk terima?
buktinya ada banyak juga injil2 yg anda anggap palsu kan?  :D

Lha, atas dasar apa Islam mengatakan 4 Injil sudah dipalsukan..?
4 Injil ditulis oleh Rasul2 (i.e. Murid2 Yesus) pada abad pertama, dan telah dicompare dgn tradisi2 lisan pada saat itu..

lah kan malah jadi aneh kalo Ajaran yang muncul 500 thn kemudian mengatakan 4 injil abad pertama tsb telah dipalsukan..??

Islam juga tdk mengatakan bhawa injil barnabas itu asli, siapa yg bilang?

ada beberapa org yang menyatakan demikian, karena dalam injil barabas yang ditulis 500thn setelah Yesus bangkit itu menubuatkan muhammad..
Saya berdosa, saya berdosa, saya sungguh berdosa.


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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #81 on: October 05, 2012, 10:48:45 PM »
Was Jesus Married?

Did Jesus have a secret marriage?

Mrs. Jesus

Has history been wrong for 2000 years—was there a Mrs. Jesus Christ?

According to Harvard scholar Karen King, a tiny papyrus fragment, smaller than a business card, ignites the controversy about whether or not Jesus had a spouse. In the newly publicized fourth century fragment, Jesus supposedly refers to, “my wife.”¹ Just below that phrase, the papyrus includes a second provocative clause that purportedly says, “she will be able to be my disciple.”²
Public reaction to the manuscript is mixed. According to a recent social network survey:³

48% are skeptical
22% are outraged
19% are excited
11% joke about it

“Dr. King first learned about what she calls ‘The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife’ when she received an e-mail in 2010 from a private collector who asked her to translate it. Dr. King, 58, specializes in Coptic literature, and has written books on the Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary of Magdala, Gnosticism and women in antiquity.”4

King believes this fragment belongs to the genre of the Gnostic writings, most of which were composed between the second and fourth centuries.

Does this mean there really was a Mrs. Jesus?

Other scholars are beginning to weigh in on the implications of the manuscript fragment. “John O’Keefe Professor of Theology at Creighton University says it doesn’t change anything for Christians. Professor O’Keefe says it’s like taking an exacto-knife and cutting a piece out from a page of a book and then trying to figure out what was in the book from that piece.”5
Helmut Koester, a professor emeritus of Harvard Divinity School, said in an interview that he heard “at least two respected scholars had doubts about its authenticity. Koester, whose speciality is early Christianity said he is “absolutely convinced that this is a modern forgery.”6
Although some scholars believe the manuscript is genuine, others disagree, arguing that “the handwriting, grammar, shape of the papyrus, and the ink’s color and quality make it suspect.”7 Whatever further studies reveal, the manuscript has reignited a controversy about Jesus that has been ongoing over the marital status of Jesus and his possible romantic relationship with Mary Magdalene.

In “The Jesus Family Tomb,” (The Discovery Channel’s TV documentary) director Simcha Jacobovici claims there is “evidence” that Jesus and Mary Magdalene indeed were married and had a son named Judah.

(To see what scholars say about Jacobovici’s “evidence” see “The Jesus Family Tomb)” article .
Furthermore, the movie, The Last Temptation of Christ, and books such as Holy Blood, Holy Grail, and The Da Vinci Code, made a secret relationship between Jesus and Mary central to their themes.

The Da Vinci Code begins with a page of facts that makes the fictional novel appear to be true in all its assertions. The book has broken all records on the New York Times best-sellers list, and has been followed by a blockbuster movie. Author Dan Brown’s clever weaving of fact with fiction has convinced many readers that Jesus and Mary Magdalene really were married and had a child (see “Mona Lisa’s Smirk”). But is this romantic assertion just hype to sell books and movies, or is it supported by historical evidence?
Mysterious Mary

Before we examine the evidence for any possible romance between Jesus and Mary Magdalene, let’s look into this person of Mary from the little Galilean town of Magdala. To begin we ask: What ancient documents shed light upon her character and her relationship with Jesus of Nazareth?

The New Testament gospels are the oldest written records of Mary of Magdala. In the gospels Mary is depicted as a woman who Jesus healed of demon possession. The gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John) present Mary as a follower of Jesus who listened to his teaching, provided for his financial needs, witnessed his crucifixion, and three days later was first to see him alive.
Some have said Mary Magdalene was a prostitute, but neither the apostles nor the early church speak of her as more than one of Jesus’ close disciples. The idea that she was a prostitute originated in the sixth century, when Pope Gregory I identified her as both the woman spoken of in Luke 7:37, and the woman who washed Jesus’ feet with her hair.

Although the pope’s view was probably influenced by the fact that Jesus had cast seven demons out of her, no biblical scholar is able to make the connection of Mary Magdalene with the woman in Luke’s passage. Additionally, the New Testament gospels don’t even hint of anything romantic or sexual between Jesus and Mary.

So where do conspiracy theorists get the idea? Why all the speculation? For that we turn to documents written 100-200 years after the New Testament gospels by a non-Christian cult called the Gnostics (see “Gnostic Gospels“). These writings are not part of the New Testament, and were rejected by early Christians as heretical. Those who write of a romantic relationship between Jesus and Mary cite a few passages from two of those writings, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Philip. Let’s look at those passages.



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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #82 on: October 05, 2012, 10:51:28 PM »

The Gospel of Mary (Magdalene)

The notion that Mary Magdalene was special to Jesus is taken primarily from the Gospel of Mary. This Gnostic gospel is not part of the New Testament, and was written by an unknown author in the last half of the second century, or about one hundred fifty years after Jesus’ death. No eyewitnesses, including Mary, would have been alive at the time it was written (about 150 A.D.). Such a late date means the Gospel of Mary could not have been written by an eyewitness of Jesus, and no one knows who wrote it.

One verse in the Gospel of Mary refers to Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ favorite disciple, saying he loved Mary “more than us” (meaning his disciples). In another verse Peter supposedly told Mary, “Sister, we know the savior loved you more than any other woman.” Yet nothing written in The Gospel of Mary speaks of a romance or sexual relationship between Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

The Gospel of Philip

The Da Vinci Code bases its claim that Jesus and Mary were married and had a child primarily upon one solitary verse in the Gnostic Gospel of Philip that indicates Jesus and Mary were “companions”. This verse reads (Note: Brackets [] appear where words of the document are missing or illegible):
“Three women always walked with the master: Mary his mother, [] sister, and Mary of Magdala, who is called his companion (koinonos). For “Mary” is the name of his sister, his mother and his companion (koinonos).”
In The Da Vinci Code, fictional expert Sir Leigh Teabing proffers that the word for companion (koinonos) could mean spouse. But according to scholars, that is an unlikely interpretation. To begin, the word generally used for wife in New Testament Greek is “gune”, not “koinonos.” Ben Witherington III, writing in Biblical Archaeological Review, addressed this very point:
“There was another Greek word, gune, which would have made this clear. It is much more likely that koinonos here means “sister” in the spiritual sense since that is how it is used elsewhere in this sort of literature. In any case, this text does not clearly say or even suggest that Jesus was married, much less married to Mary Magdalene.”8
There is also a single verse in the Gospel of Philip that says Jesus kissed Mary.
“The companion of the [] is Mary of Magdala. The [] her more than [] the disciples, [] kissed her often on her []. The other []…said to him, ‘Why do you love her more than all of us?’”
Greeting friends with a kiss was common in the first century, and had no sexual connotation. Professor Karen King explains in her book, The Gospel of Mary Magdala, that the kiss in Philip most likely was a chaste kiss of fellowship.
But perhaps more important is the fact that the Gospel of Philip was written by an unknown author about 200 years after the New Testament eyewitness accounts (see “Is the New Testament Reliable” and “Mona Lisa’s Smirk”).
It is also important to note that, aside from this fourth century fragment recently made public by King and these few questionable passages from the Gnostic Gospels, there is no other historical document that even insinuates Jesus and Mary had a romantic relationship.
No secular, Jewish, or early Christian historian writes even one iota about such a relationship. And because this newly publicized fragment, the Gospel of Mary and the Gospel of Philip were all written 100-220 years after Christ by unknown authors, their statements about Jesus need to be evaluated in context of both contemporary history and the much earlier New Testament documents.
An honest comparison between the evidence of New Testament manuscripts and the Gnostic writings reveals the following facts:
The New Testament was written while eyewitnesses were still alive; the Gnostic Gospels weren’t (see “Are the Gospels True?”).
The New Testament accounts were confirmed by over 36,000 external writings by early Christians; the Gnostic writings weren’t.
There are far more ancient manuscripts of the New Testament than for the Gnostic Gospels.
In fact, there are over 5,600 ancient manuscripts of the New Testament, many of which date at least one hundred years earlier than the Gnostic Gospels.

Scholars’ Verdict

But could the early church have destroyed the evidence in their attempt to rewrite the history of Jesus? Of course that’s what Jacobovici, Brown, and a host of other sensationalists are saying. But do scholars agree?
A Newsweek magazine article summarizing leading scholars’ opinions, flatly states that the notion Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married has no historical basis.9 Perhaps the Gnostics felt the New Testament was a bit shy on romance and decided to sauce it up a little. Whatever the reason, these isolated and obscure verses written 100-200 years after Christ aren’t much to base a conspiracy theory upon. Interesting reading perhaps, but definitely not history.
Regarding this latest controversial discovery, even King “cautioned that this fragment should not be taken as proof that Jesus, the historical person, was actually married. The text was probably written centuries after Jesus lived, and all other early, historically reliable Christian literature is silent on the question,” she said.10
But some remain unconvinced. Perhaps they just want to make history more interesting. Award-winning television journalist Frank Sesno asked a panel of historical scholars about the fascination people have with conspiracy theories. Professor Stanley Kutler from the University of Wisconsin replied, “We all love mysteries – but we love conspiracies more.”11
Perhaps all the hype about Jesus and Mary has more to do with antagonists to Christianity trying to humanize the man who Christians from the very beginning have called “God.” The brilliant skeptic, C. S. Lewis once believed Jesus was no more than a myth until he investigated the evidence. To see what changed his mind, see the article “Is Jesus God?”.


¹ Cited in (, “Was Jesus married? Harvard scholar says ancient text on papyrus refers to ‘my wife’”, Sept. 23, 2012.
² Cited in The ( “A Faded Piece of Papyrus Refers To Jesus’ Wife”, Laurie Goodstein, Sept. 18, 2012.
³ The Wall Street Journal, “A Married Messiah?”, p. C4, Sept. 22-24, 2012.
4, Ibid.
5 Cited on KMTV, Omaha, Nebraska, (, Fatima Rahmatullah, “Was Jesus Married? Ancient Papyrus Uncovered Refers to His ‘Wife’”, Sept. 19, 2012.
6 Jaweed Kaleem, “Jesus’ Wife’ Research Leads To Suspicions That Artifact Is A Fake,” Huffington Post, Religion, Sept. 26, 2012 (
7 Ibid.
8 Ben Witherington, Biblical Archaeology Review, (2004), “Reviews,” 30 [3]:58-61, May/June.
9 Barbara Kantrowitz and Anne Underwood, “Decoding ‘The Da Vinci Code,’ “ Newsweek, December 8, 2003, 54.
10 Cited on KMTV, Ibid.
11Stanley Kutler, interview with Frank Sesno, “The Guilty Men: An Historical Review,” History Channel, April 6, 2004.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #83 on: October 06, 2012, 05:24:19 AM »
tdk aneh juga, karena Allah mengangkat Isa itu masih muda, mungkin juga belum sempat punya anak  :)

besarnya kecintaan kami kepada Rasul, mungkin tdk sebesar kecintaan anda terhadap Tuhan anda, sehingga di dunia maya berseliweran adegan yg menistakan Tuhan anda (seperti klip Yesus tertabrak bis, Yesus bugil dll), tapi anda spertinya biasa2 saja.
Ah masa sih...hehe...bukannya diceritakan nabi Isa pada kejadian di salib sudah diselematkan Allah di tempat lain....
Dan Allah menipu banyak orang disitu dengan menyamarkan orang lain menjadi nabi Isa sehingga dia yang disalibkan ... :whistle:

Apakah ditempat tersebut masih mungkin menikah... :D
Atau menikah di Sorga dengan para bidadari  :D

Kecintaan saya pada Tuhan direfleksikan dengan mematuhi ajaranNya  tidak membalas kejahatan bukan demo anarkis dan membunuh duta besar negara lain  :'o :'o

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #84 on: October 06, 2012, 04:05:26 PM »
Kecintaan saya kepada Rasulullah adalah dg mengamalkan ajaran yg dibawanya dan sunnahnya, serta banyak bershalawat atasnya ... Insya Allah.
Termasuk mengutuk segala bentuk penistaan agama, karena dapat merusak kerukunan umat beragama.  :hug: Dan menyerahkan pelaku sepenuhnya kepada hukum dan pihak berwenang.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #85 on: October 06, 2012, 04:14:39 PM »
Kecintaan saya kepada Rasulullah adalah dg mengamalkan ajaran yg dibawanya dan sunnahnya, serta banyak bershalawat atasnya ... Insya Allah.
Termasuk mengutuk segala bentuk penistaan agama, karena dapat merusak kerukunan umat beragama.  :hug: Dan menyerahkan pelaku sepenuhnya kepada hukum dan pihak berwenang.
Wah, bagus sekali. Damai sejahtera menyertaimu WB.

Sungguh, saran seperti itu pernah saya berikan kepada seorang pasangan diskusi di dumay. Kalau tidak salah ingat, di LTB.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #86 on: October 06, 2012, 04:28:55 PM »
ada beberapa org yang menyatakan demikian, karena dalam injil barabas yang ditulis 500thn setelah Yesus bangkit itu menubuatkan muhammad..

Konon Injil Barnabas berusia 1500 tahun ... Asli atau tidak, menubuatkan Nabi Muhammad atau tidak, sama sekali tidak pengaruh bagi kaum muslimin yang sudah punya al-Quran. Beda dg Kristen, walaupun menolaknya, tetap akan berimplikasi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengguncang keimanan. Apalagi bila kelak ternyata Injil Barnabas secara ilmiah bisa dibuktikan memang ditulis oleh murid Yesus... Wow!  :signofcross:

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #87 on: October 06, 2012, 04:37:08 PM »
Konon Injil Barnabas berusia 1500 tahun ... Asli atau tidak, menubuatkan Nabi Muhammad atau tidak, sama sekali tidak pengaruh bagi kaum muslimin yang sudah punya al-Quran. Beda dg Kristen, walaupun menolaknya, tetap akan berimplikasi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengguncang keimanan. Apalagi bila kelak ternyata Injil Barnabas secara ilmiah bisa dibuktikan memang ditulis oleh murid Yesus... Wow!  :signofcross:
Weh, WB, bagaimana mungkin seperti itu? Maksud saya, implikasi langsung ato tidak langsung itu? Kayaknya, kejadian-kejadian di kehidupan nyata memperlihatkan pihak mana yang mementingkan injil-injil palsu itu. 

Damai, damai, damai.

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #88 on: October 06, 2012, 04:55:36 PM »
Konon Injil Barnabas berusia 1500 tahun ...
Salah, cuman berumur 500 thn :doh:
Asli atau tidak
Terbukti palsu :D
menubuatkan Nabi Muhammad atau tidak
Menubuatkan Muhammad :)
sama sekali tidak pengaruh bagi kaum muslimin yang sudah punya al-Quran.
Gak ngurus muslim terpengaruh atau gak :afro:
Beda dg Kristen, walaupun menolaknya, tetap akan berimplikasi secara langsung maupun tidak langsung mengguncang keimanan
Sama sekali tidak, itu berita bohong dari anda dkk sebagai muslim :doh:
Apalagi bila kelak ternyata Injil Barnabas secara ilmiah bisa dibuktikan memang ditulis oleh murid Yesus... Wow!
Sudah dibuktikan, itu palsu, dibuat 500 tahun yang lalu oleh muslim berkebangsaan Spanyol :D :doh:
Inter Esse Et Non Esse

Cogito Ergo Sum

Tuus Totus Ego Sum, Et Omnia Mea Tua Sunt

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

In Hoc Signo Vinces

With love,

your Yopi

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Re: Gospel 'Istri Yesus' 2
« Reply #89 on: October 07, 2012, 10:06:38 AM »
Lha, atas dasar apa Islam mengatakan 4 Injil sudah dipalsukan..?
4 Injil ditulis oleh Rasul2 (i.e. Murid2 Yesus) pada abad pertama, dan telah dicompare dgn tradisi2 lisan pada saat itu..

lah kan malah jadi aneh kalo Ajaran yang muncul 500 thn kemudian mengatakan 4 injil abad pertama tsb telah dipalsukan..??

ada beberapa org yang menyatakan demikian, karena dalam injil barabas yang ditulis 500thn setelah Yesus bangkit itu menubuatkan muhammad..

sederhana saja, karena INJIL yg kita imani adalah perkataan / Firman Allah, Injil sama dengan Al Qur'an.
seperti:Matius 15:4   Sebab Allah berfirman: Hormatilah ayahmu dan ibumu; dan lagi: Siapa yang mengutuki ayahnya atau ibunya pasti dihukum mati.

Dan tdk tercampur dengan perkataan orang ketiga

contoh sederhana ayat berikut ini:
Matius 9:9   Setelah Yesus pergi dari situ, Ia melihat seorang yang bernama Matius duduk di rumah cukai, lalu Ia berkata kepadanya: "Ikutlah Aku." Maka berdirilah Matius lalu mengikut Dia.

Apakah ini Firman Allah? ini adalah cerita orang ketiga mengenai matius yg mengikuti Yesus.
Ataukah dlm ayat ini konsepnya Allah menceritakan kepada kita tentang pertemuan Yesus dengan Matius? tentu tdk bukan?  :)

belum lagi surat2 Paulus yg mendominasi Injil sekarang ini.

Nah dari contoh sederhana itulah kami menyimpulkan Injil (Firman2 Allah telah tercampur dengan tulisan2 manusia) sehingga tdk asli lagi.

mungkin begitu penjelasan sederhananya  :)