Author Topic: Puisi Cinta  (Read 20440 times)

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Puisi Cinta
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:12:28 PM »
Sir Phillip Sidney

My true love hath my heart and I have his,
By just exchange one for another given;
I hold his dear, and mine he cannot miss,
There never was a better bargain driven.
        My true love has my heart and I have his.
His heart in me keeps him and me in one,
My heart in him his thoughts and senses guides;
He loves my heart, for once it was his own,
I cherish his, because in me it bides.
        My true love hath my heart and I have his.

William Butler Yeats

I did the dragon's will until you came
Because I had fancied love a casual
Improvisation, or a settled game
That followed if I let the kerchief fall:
Those deeds were best that gave the minute wings
And heavenly music if they gave it wit;
And then you stood among the dragon rings.
I mocked, being crazy, but you mastered it
And broke the chain and set my ankles free,
Saint George or else a pagan Perseus;
And now we stare astonished at the sea,
And a miraculous strange bird shrieks at us.


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2012, 10:25:10 PM »
From – Twenty Poems of Love

I can write the saddest lines tonight.

Write for example: ‘The night is fractured
and they shiver, blue, those stars, in the distance’

The night wind turns in the sky and sings.
I can write the saddest lines tonight.
I loved her, sometimes she loved me too.

On nights like these I held her in my arms.
I kissed her greatly under the infinite sky.

She loved me, sometimes I loved her too.
How could I not have loved her huge, still eyes.

I can write the saddest lines tonight.
To think I don’t have her, to feel I have lost her.

Hear the vast night, vaster without her.
Lines fall on the soul like dew on the grass.

What does it matter that I couldn’t keep her.
The night is fractured and she is not with me.

That is all. Someone sings far off. Far off,
my soul is not content to have lost her.

As though to reach her, my sight looks for her.
My heart looks for her: she is not with me

The same night whitens, in the same branches.
We, from that time, we are not the same.

I don’t love her, that’s certain, but how I loved her.
My voice tried to find the breeze to reach her.

Another’s kisses on her, like my kisses.
Her voice, her bright body, infinite eyes.

I don’t love her, that’s certain, but perhaps I love her.
Love is brief: forgetting lasts so long.

Since, on these nights, I held her in my arms,
my soul is not content to have lost her.

Though this is the last pain she will make me suffer,
and these are the last lines I will write for her.

Pablo Neruda


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2012, 10:27:07 PM »
If You Forget Me
Pablo Neruda

I want you to know
one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look
at the crystal moon, at the red branch
of the slow autumn at my window,
if I touch
near the fire
the impalpable ash
or the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals,
were little boats
that sail
toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now,
if little by little you stop loving me
I shall stop loving you, little by little.

If suddenly
you forget me,
do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If you think it long and mad,
the wind of banners
that passes through my life,
and you decide
to leave me at the shore
of the heart where I have roots,
that on that day,
at that hour,
I shall lift my arms
and my roots will set off
to seek another land.

if each day,
each hour,
you feel that you are destined for me
with implacable sweetness,
if each day a flower
climbs up to your lips to seek me,
ah my love, ah my own,
in me all that fire is repeated,
in me nothing is extinguished or forgotten,
my love feeds on your love, beloved,
and as long as you live it will be in your arms
without leaving mine.

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2012, 07:15:30 AM »
:onion5: ... Menohok...
“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.” 
[Mother Teresa]

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2012, 04:52:59 PM »
member FIK..apa ada yang jago menulis puisi? :think:
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2012, 04:54:57 PM »
member FIK..apa ada yang jago menulis puisi? :think:

Anda coba dong sis, walau..... melihat sifat anda, seprtinya bukan termasuk yang bisa berpuisi deh, he he he.


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2012, 05:07:18 PM »
Anda coba dong sis, walau..... melihat sifat anda, seprtinya bukan termasuk yang bisa berpuisi deh, he he he.


memang tidak bisa. hahahahaha..
sisi kesenian saya kan macet total. saya tidak pernah mengasahnya sejak dulu. :sad_bye:

menurut penerawangan, kemampuan Anda sedikit lebih baik daripada saya. boleh dicoba, Bro.
hitung2 latihan bikin puisi :afro:
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2012, 05:11:47 PM »
memang tidak bisa. hahahahaha..
sisi kesenian saya kan macet total. saya tidak pernah mengasahnya sejak dulu. :sad_bye:

menurut penerawangan, kemampuan Anda sedikit lebih baik daripada saya. boleh dicoba, Bro.
hitung2 latihan bikin puisi :afro:

Saya termasuk sering menulis puisi, walau tidak satupun yang terasa puas di hati. Kalau menulis prosa masih lebih baik rasanya.

He he he


Offline hello kitty

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2012, 05:23:02 PM »
Saya termasuk sering menulis puisi, walau tidak satupun yang terasa puas di hati. Kalau menulis prosa masih lebih baik rasanya.

He he he


ditulis di sini saja, Bro. pilih puisi yang paling malu2in, biar seru
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)

Offline Phooey

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2012, 07:11:47 PM »

Saya bukan tipical romantis seperti Mod Bruce.

Baca2 puisi tersebut....enggak kerasa apa2..........

Καὶ μὴ κρίνετε, καὶ οὐ μὴ κριθῆτε· καὶ μὴ καταδικάζετε, καὶ οὐ μὴ καταδικασθῆτε. ἀπολύετε, καὶ ἀπολυθήσεσθε· (Luk 6:37 BGT)


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2012, 08:51:21 PM »

Saya bukan tipical romantis seperti Mod Bruce.

Baca2 puisi tersebut....enggak kerasa apa2..........


Jiaaaaahh, konon memang hanya yang memiliki hati lembut yang bisa merasakan getaran puisi.
He he he he.

Offline hello kitty

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #11 on: October 08, 2012, 08:47:53 AM »
jelas saja Kung Pho tidak merasakan getaran..karena yang berpuisi kan sesama laki2 juga
hahahahaha.. :giggle:
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #12 on: October 08, 2012, 11:35:31 AM »
Puisi patah hati masuk kategoti puisi cinta gak ya..???
πᾶσα γραφὴ θεόπνευστος καὶ ὠφέλιμος πρὸς διδασκαλίαν, πρὸς ἐλεγμόν, πρὸς ἐπανόρθωσιν, πρὸς παιδείαν τὴν ἐν δικαιοσύνῃ

Offline hello kitty

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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #13 on: October 08, 2012, 11:38:32 AM »
Puisi patah hati masuk kategoti puisi cinta gak ya..???

termasuk dong.
ditunggu puisinya, Mas. orang dengan darah seni kental begini pasti bisa menciptakan puisi yang manis :D
jangan masukkan kami ke dalam pencobaan..
karena kami bisa masuk sendiri ke dalamnya
(St. Kitty dari Lawang)


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Re: Puisi Cinta
« Reply #14 on: October 08, 2012, 11:41:51 AM »

I do not love you...

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way than this:
where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

Pablo Neruda

I Like for You to be Still

I like for you to be still:
it is as though you were absent,
and you hear me from far away
and my voice does not touch you.
It seems as though your eyes had flown away
and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.

As all things are filled with my soul
you emerge from the things,
filled with my soul.
You are like my soul,
a butterfly of dream,
and you are like the word Melancholy.

I like for you to be still
and you seem far away.
It sounds as though you were lamenting,
a butterly cooing like a dove.
And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you:
Let me come down to be still in your silence.

And let me talk to you with your silence
that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring.
You are like the night,
with its stillness and constellations.
Your silence is that of a star,
as remote and candid.

I like for you to be still:
it is as though you were absent,
distant and full of sorrow as though you had died.
One word then, one smile, is enough.
And I am happy,
happy that it's not true.

Pablo Neruda