Sudah aku jawab berkali2 bahwa Anda salah mengartikan ajaran Katolik, kok sepertinya masih terlewat juga oleh Anda.
SIlakan bisa Anda mulai dari rangkuman jawaban yg aku berikan di sini:,1850.0.html
Yang jadi persoalannya sekarang:
1. Ajaran katolik Anda pahami secara salah
2. Anda bandingkan ajaran katolik (pemahaman yg salah itu) dengan INTERPRETASI Anda
3. Lalu Anda katakan bahwa ajaran Katolik tidak sesuai dengan Kitab Suci, padahal sebenarnya yg bertentangan dengan ajaran Katolik adalah INTERPRETASI Anda, bukan Kitab Suci-nya!!
Adalah jelas sekali akan berbagai tradisi rekayasa gereja anda yaitu semua ajaran mariolatry dan papalism yang tidak ada dasar kebenaran Alkitabnya sama sekali.
Ini bukan soal interpretasi melainkan menambahi apa yang tidak pernah dikatakan dan diajarkan oleh Alkitab.
Ini bukan soal interpretasi tetapi gereja sudah memanipulasi terjemahan Alkitab versi Vulgata yang sudah menyimpang dari Kitab Aslinya hanya untuk mendukung ajaran palsu tsb diatas. (Sudah saya buktikan di topik ybs).
Quote from: solideogloria on September 08, 2014, 01:19:59 PM
Kitab Suci PL dipercayakan oleh Tuhan kepada bangsa Yahudi dan didalam bahasa Ibrani !
Hanya bangsa Yahudi yang tahu persis mana kitab asli mereka.
Kalo begitu, mengapa Anda tidak menggunakan Kitab Suci bangsa Yahudi?
Oh.. tunggu dulu, memang mereka memiliki kanon Kitab Suci??
Jangan2 Anda mengacu pada KISAH FIKTIF KONSILI JAMNIA yang mengesahkan kanon Kitab Suci mereka yang sama seperti kanon PL protestant, 39 kitab itu???
Silakan Anda baca fakta ini, bahwa tidak pernah ada konsili di Jamnia yang mengesahkan kanon 39 PL!!
The Council of Jamnia, presumably held in Yavneh, was a hypothetical late 1st-century council at which the canon of the Hebrew Bible was alleged to have been finalized. First proposed by Heinrich Graetz in 1871, this theory was popular for much of the twentieth century. However, it was increasingly questioned from the 1960s onward and the theory has been largely discredited.
Today modern scholars are skeptical as to whether there was ever a synod in Jamnia dedicated specifically to matters of canonization.
... ... ...
Whether the sages held a special council or if their discussions about the holy books were ongoing, the enduring significance of Jamnia lies not in the closing of the Jewish canon, but in ensuring the cultural and religious survival of the Jewish people.
Dan fakta yang lebih penting lagi, kanon Kitab Suci Yahudi TIDAK SAMA dengan kanon 39 PL protestant (yg mereka sebut sebagai "tanakh" atau torah tertulis), tetapi juga termasuk “talmud” atau torah lisan, dan juga tulisan2 lain yang disebut “midrashim”.
Aneh jika umat kristen justru menggunakan kanon Yahudi yg berusaha menyangkal iman kristen, dan lebih aneh lagi jika mengaku menggunakan kanon Yahudi tapi hanya mengambil “Tanakh” saja dan menghapus “talmud” dan “midrashim”.
Sudah jelas Katolik memakai Apokripa agar bisa menyembah maria dan berdoa kepada arwah arwah orang yang sudah mati.
Athanasius on the Old Testament Canon"There are, then, of the Old Testament, twenty-two books in number; for, as I have heard, it is handed down that this is the number of the letters among the Hebrews; their respective order and names being as follows. The first is Genesis, then Exodus, next Leviticus, after that Numbers, and then Deuteronomy.
Following these there is Joshua the son of Nun, then Judges, then Ruth. And again, after these four books of Kings, the first and second being reckoned as one book, and so likewise the third and fourth as one book. And again, the first and second of the Chronicles are reckoned as one book.
Again Ezra, the first and second are similarly one book. After these there is the book of Psalms, then the Proverbs, next Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Job follows, then the Prophets, the Twelve [minor prophets] being reckoned as one book. Then Isaiah, one book, then Jeremiah with Baruch, Lamentations and the Epistle, one book; afterwards Ezekiel and Daniel, each one book.
Thus far constitutes the Old Testament...These are the fountains of salvation, that he who thirsts may be satisfied with the living words they contain. In these alone the teaching of godliness is proclaimed. Let no one add to these; let nothing be taken away from them.
For concerning these the Lord put to shame the Sadducees, and said, "Ye do err, not knowing the Scriptures". And he reproved the Jews, saying, "Search the Scriptures, for these are they that testify of me...There are other books besides these, indeed not received as canonical but having been appointed by our fathers to be read to those just approaching and wishing to be instructed in the word of godliness: Wisdom of Solomon, Wisdom of Sirach, Esther, Judith, Tobit..."
Catatan:Tidak ada nabi Yahudi lahir selama 400 tahun periode antara PL dan PB sehingga apokripa sama sekali bukan bagian dari kanon wahyu Allah.
Quote from: solideogloria on September 08, 2014, 01:19:59 PM
Apocrypha yang banyak salahnya itu mana mungkin wahyu Tuhan,selain hanya digunakan untuk berdoa kepada roh orang mati oleh gereja anda dan mencari kekayaan pakai penjualan Surat Pengampunan Dosa sejalan dgn doktrin Purgatory.
Salah menurut siapa dulu?
Lagi2 menuruth INTERPRETASI seorang sola scriptura kan? So what??
Jangan selalu bersembunyi dibelakang kata interpretasi kalau faktanya semua tradisi rekayasa gereja anda sudah melawan kebenaran Scriptura.
Augustine on the Authority of Canonical Scripture as Compared with Later Wiritings "The excellence of the canonical authority of the Old and New Testaments is distinct from that of later books (the ecclesiastical writings).
Canonical authority was confirmed at the time of the apostles and has been established on a sort of lofty throne by successions of bishops and by the spreading of churches. Every faithful and devout intellect is in service to it.. Furthermore, in the case of the lesser works of later people that are contained in countless books, these may by no means be compared with the canonical excellence of Holy Scripture. We consider that in some of them we do find the same truth but certainly not the same authority."
Augustine (354-430), Reply to Faustus the Manichaean apokripa bukakanlah kanon wahyu Tuhan.