Damai bagimu strik.
sejak kapan diharuskan adanya dokumen tertulis ini mas?
Kalau tentang kapan dimulai adanya dokumen tertulis itu, saya belum pernah meneliti. Hanya saja, ratusan tahun sebelum Muhammad lahir, sensus sudah dikenal untuk mengetahui siapa dari keturunan mana dan tinggal di mana.
Di Injil Lukas tercatat, Luk 2:1-3 berkata,
Pada waktu itu Kaisar Agustus mengeluarkan suatu perintah, menyuruh mendaftarkan semua orang di seluruh dunia.
Inilah pendaftaran yang pertama kali diadakan sewaktu Kirenius menjadi wali negeri di Siria.
Maka pergilah semua orang mendaftarkan diri, masing-masing di kotanya sendiri.Dari informasi itu dapat diketahui bahwa tulis menulis (mendaftarkan diri) merupakan hal yang lumrah, meskipun sebagian besar manusia mungkin masih buta aksara.
kalau melihat dari film2 dng latar belakang kehidupan kuno, ketika mereka masuk negeri orang, apalagi utk berdagang cukup membayar sejumlah uang kepada para penjaga perbatasan.
Perhatikan judul trit ini, strik. Menggunakan
logis. Kalau apa yang striker lihat di felem itu striker pandang sebagai yang logis, berarti striker bisa menjawab pertanyaan judul trit, lepas apakah jawaban striker itu bernilai benar atau salah.
striker, dengan membaca ini,
Nestorius (play /ˌnɛsˈtɔriəs/; in Greek: Νεστόριος; c. 386 – c. 451) was Archbishop of Constantinople from 10 April 428 to August 431 (when the emperor Theodosius II confirmed his condemnation by the Cyrillian faction at Ephesus on 22 June). His teachings included a rejection of the long-used title of Theotokos ("Mother of God") for the Virgin Mary, and were understood by many to imply that he did not believe that Christ was truly God. However, Nestorius actually was concerned that the "Theotokos" cult was dangerously close to venerating Mary as a goddess. This brought him into conflict with other prominent churchmen of the time, most notably Cyril of Alexandria, who accused him of heresy. Nestorius sought to defend himself at the First Council of Ephesus in 431, but instead he found himself formally condemned for heresy by a majority of the bishops and subsequently removed from his see. On his own request he retired to his former monastery in or near Antioch. In 435 Theodosius II sent him into exile in Upper Egypt, where he lived on till 450 or 451, strenuously defending his orthodoxy. His last major defender within the Roman Empire, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, finally agreed to anathematize him in 451 (during the Council of Chalcedon); from then on he had no defenders within the empire. But the Church of the East (that is, the Church in eastern Mesopotamia and Persia, under Sassanian rule) never accepted his condemnation. This led later to western Christians giving the name the 'Nestorian Church' to the Church of the East (the modern Assyrian Church of the East), even though it never regarded him as an authoritative teacher. The discovery and publication of his 'Book [or Bazaar] of Heraclides at the beginning of the 20th century led to a reassessment of his theology in western scholarship. It is now generally agreed that his ideas were not far from those that eventually emerged as orthodox, but the orthodoxy of his formulation of the doctrine of Christ is still controversial. This is due to the fact that the Second Council of Constantinople of AD 553 confirmed the validity of the condemnation of Nestorius, refuting the impius letter of Iba that affirms that Nestorius was condemned without the due inquiry.[1]
dapat diketahui bahwa pada tahun 400-an, daerah Konstantinopel dan sekitarnya sudah mengenal pembagian wilayah kegerejaan. Apakah menurut pemahaman striker, administrasi kedaerahan wilayah kegerejaan itu dilakukan tanpa aksara? Pun kalau striker berpandangan sedemikian itu, ya terserah saja sih.
Kembali ke Nestorius, ternyata Nestorius mengembangkan pemikiran kekristenan yang dinamai Nestorian, yang berkembang di wilayah Konstantinopel dan sekitarnya, sesuai kewilayahan Nestorius, pandangan yang akhirnya ditetapkan sebagai pandangan sesat.
striker tahu tentang Waraqah Ibn Nawfal, bukan? Dia itu adalah seorang penganut Nestorian. Dan dia itu pula yang mengajar Muhammad, sejak mereka bertemu ketika Muhammad masih berumur 12 tahun, ketika dibawa oleh pamannya Abu Thalib dalam kabilah yang sama.
Apakah menurut dugaan striker, seorang Pendeta Nestorian mau mengajar seorang yang buta aksara, dan meramalkan bahwa orang itu kemudian kelak akan menjadi Nabi? Pun kalau menurut striker bahwa Waraqah Ibn Nawfal mau mengajar orang yang buta aksara dan meramalkan muridnya kelak akan menjadi Nabi, ya
monggo-monggo saja.
Damai, damai, damai.