Author Topic: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?  (Read 13573 times)

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Offline solideogloria

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #195 on: January 13, 2013, 12:26:08 PM »
St. Vincent of Lerins.

Vincent of Lérins

Vincentius has been charged with Semipelagianism......Be this however as it may, when it is considered that the monks of Lérins, in common with the general body of the churchmen of Southern Gaul, were strenuous upholders of Semipelagianism, it will not be thought surprising that Vincentius should have been suspected of at least a leaning in that direction.

Tillemont, who forbears to express himself decidedly, but evidently inclines to that view, says "L'opinion qui le condamne et l'abandonne aux Semipelagiens passe aujourd'hui pour la plus commune parmi les savans." It is also possible that Vincentius held to a position closer to the Eastern Orthodox position of today, which they claim to have been virtually universal until the time of Augustine, and which may have been interpreted as semipelagian by Augustine's followers.

He was a Semipelagian and so opposed to the doctrine of St. Augustine. It is believed now that he uses against Augustine his great principle....

Gurumu itu rupanya penganut bidat Semi Pelagian yang sangat bertentangan dengan ajaran Agustinus Bapa Gerejamu !

Milih Guru kok bidat ???

Patut komentarmu tidak alkitabiah sama sekali !

« Last Edit: January 13, 2013, 12:32:41 PM by solideogloria »

Offline Gavin Tuturuga

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #196 on: January 14, 2013, 05:02:36 AM »
Itu ngerti bahasa eng gelish enggak..??
Kok kutip cuma sebagian.. mirip icip-icip scriptura . :giggle:
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Offline solideogloria

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #197 on: January 14, 2013, 06:04:12 AM »
Itu ngerti bahasa eng gelish enggak..??
Kok kutip cuma sebagian.. mirip icip-icip scriptura . :giggle:

Sudah terbuka kedokmu yang pengikut ajaran bidat menurut Encyclopedia Catholic sendiri yah !

Itu artinya caramu berTUTUR RUsak dan GAgal.


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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #198 on: January 14, 2013, 10:25:58 AM »
Vincent of Lérins

Vincentius has been charged with Semipelagianism......Be this however as it may, when it is considered that the monks of Lérins, in common with the general body of the churchmen of Southern Gaul, were strenuous upholders of Semipelagianism, it will not be thought surprising that Vincentius should have been suspected of at least a leaning in that direction.

Tillemont, who forbears to express himself decidedly, but evidently inclines to that view, says "L'opinion qui le condamne et l'abandonne aux Semipelagiens passe aujourd'hui pour la plus commune parmi les savans." It is also possible that Vincentius held to a position closer to the Eastern Orthodox position of today, which they claim to have been virtually universal until the time of Augustine, and which may have been interpreted as semipelagian by Augustine's followers.

He was a Semipelagian and so opposed to the doctrine of St. Augustine. It is believed now that he uses against Augustine his great principle....

Gurumu itu rupanya penganut bidat Semi Pelagian yang sangat bertentangan dengan ajaran Agustinus Bapa Gerejamu !

Milih Guru kok bidat ???

Patut komentarmu tidak alkitabiah sama sekali !

Mas Soli,
kalo ternyata Vincent itu berseberangan dengan Agustinus..

jadi mas soli setujunya dengan Vincent atau Agustinus?

Offline solideogloria

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #199 on: January 15, 2013, 07:16:58 AM »
Mas Soli,
kalo ternyata Vincent itu berseberangan dengan Agustinus..

jadi mas soli setujunya dengan Vincent atau Agustinus?

Saya setuju mempercayai ajaran siapapun orangnya termasuk anda sendiri asal berbicara berdasarkan kebenaran Alkitab (Sola Scriptura).


Offline hanhalim2

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #200 on: January 15, 2013, 08:25:40 AM »
Saya setuju mempercayai ajaran siapapun orangnya termasuk anda sendiri asal berbicara berdasarkan kebenaran Alkitab (Sola Scriptura).

bagaimana dengan bersola seperti ini ?
Bukan semua nas/ayat  yang tertulis dalam Alkitab adalah Firman Allah dan juga Tidak seluruh Firman Allah tertulis lengkap dalam Alkitab.

( mudah mudahan dimengerti penjelasannya )

Offline solideogloria

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #201 on: January 16, 2013, 07:18:32 AM »
bagaimana dengan bersola seperti ini ?

Memang berlutut didepan batu atau patung itu seharusnya dilarang didalam gereja tetapi mezbah batu tempat korban bakaran di PL itu memang diperintahkan Tuhan bukan untuk disembah melainkan sebagai korban bakaran bagi pengampunan dosa yaitu bermakna simbol keselamatan melalui pengorbanan darah Yesus yang akan digenapkan kelak.

Jadi bukan batu yang disembah tetapi merupakan mezbah tempat pemberian korban bakaran.

Kejadian 8:20 Lalu Nuh mendirikan mezbah bagi Tuhan; dari segala binatang yang tidak haram dan dari segala burung yang tidak haram diambilnyalah beberapa ekor, lalu ia mempersembahkan korban bakaran di atas mezbah itu.

Yang dilarang adalah seperti ini :

« Last Edit: January 16, 2013, 07:21:35 AM by solideogloria »

Offline Gavin Tuturuga

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Re: Allah Kristen berasal dari zoroaster ?
« Reply #202 on: January 16, 2013, 08:12:29 AM »
Mas Soli,
kalo ternyata Vincent itu berseberangan dengan Agustinus..

jadi mas soli setujunya dengan Vincent atau Agustinus?

Baik agustinus maupun st. Vincent of Lerin.
Keduanya menolak sola scriptura.

Agustinus mengakui keabsahan Tradisi suci (yang otomatis menolak Sola scriptura) :

"But in regard to those observances which we carefully attend and which the whole world keeps, and which derive not from Scripture but from Tradition, we are given to understand that they are recommended and ordained to be kept, either by the apostles themselves or by plenary [ecumenical] councils, the authority of which is quite vital in the Church" (Letter to Januarius (54) 1,1).

Ngga tau kalau orang ngga nyambung pasti ngomongnya ntar begini : "Ohh.. itu engga scriptura.."

ha ha ha  :giggle:  :lol:
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