Mengingat dari keempat penulis Injil ini hanya dua yang adalah rasul Jesus?
Catatan Hippolitus: Markus dan Lukas termasuk mereka yang mengundurkan diri ketika Kristus berkata: “sesungguhnya jikalau kamu tidak makan daging Anak Manusia dan minum darah-Nya, kamu tidak mempunyai hidup di dalam dirimu.” Tetapi Markus kembali kepada Tuhan melalui pekerjaan Petrus, sedangkan Lukas melalui pekerjaan Paulus. Mereka berdua diberi kehormatan mengabarkan Injil dan mati syahid karenanya, yang satu dibakar sampai mati, yang satu disalibkan pada pohon zaitun.
Mark wrote his Gospel under the direction of Saint Peter and is mentioned by that Apostle in his First General Epistle. Peter writes, The church that is at Babylon saluteth you; and so doth Mark my son. Peter ordained Mark Bishop of Alexandria. The idolaters of that city bound him, dragged him over jagged rocks, and beat him; whereupon, the Lord appeared, summoned him to heavenly glory, and received his spirit.
Luke wrote his Gospel under the guidance of the holy Apostle Paul, who mentions him in the Epistle to the Colossians, saying, Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. Saint Luke also wrote the Acts of the Apostles. After toiling greatly in Christ's service, Luke completed his labors in Thebes, a city of Boetia, where he was martyred.
Menurut Gereja Katolik Roma, mereka disebut "Murid" (70 murid)
Menurut Gereja Katolik Orthodox, mereka disebut "Rasul" (70 Rasul)