Dibilangin ngga percaya nih anak..
Jadi paus itu juga disebut USKUP.
Emangnya susah ya ngertiin tulisan ini ?
The Pope (also called the Patriarch) The term Patriarch is obsolete in the Roman Catholic church and is derived from
325-606 AD when there were 3-5 "Mother churches" that equally ruled the world divided by their 5 territories. One of the official titles of the Bishop of Rome today, is "Patriarch of the west". This is because in 600 AD there were 4 Patriarchs of the east, (Antioch and Alexandria, Jerusalem and Constantinople) who eventually split off in 1054AD to become the Greek Orthodox church., and one "Patriarch of the West." (Rome)
The following terms are applied to the Pope:
Bishop of the city of Rome (head of the a local diocese in Rome)
Vicar of Jesus Christ
Successor of St. Peter
Pope (Universal bishop over all other bishops) itu adalah kepala dari semua Bishop sedunia jadi lebih tinggi jabatannya dari bishop atau uskup.
Dan jabatan Paus itu baru ada di abad ke-4,makanya sama sekali tidak diajarkan didalam Alkitab.
Yesus mengatakan hanya satu bapamu yaitu yang di Sorga,makanya menganggap Paus sebagai Bapa Suci juga menyalahi ajaran Alkitab.
Matius 23:9 Dan janganlah kamu menyebut siapa pun bapa di bumi ini, karena hanya satu Bapamu, yaitu Dia yang di sorga.Mau lebih jelas lagi tanyakan Romo mu !